Letra de 'Level of concern" de Twenty One Pilots

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Letra de 'Level of concern" de Twenty One Pilots

Foto: Tomada de internet.
La nueva canción de la banda estadounidense está causando furor en internet al dar ánimos en estos tiempos complicados por el coronavirus.
twenty one pilots - Level of Concern (Official Video)

Desde el lanzamiento del video de "Level of concern", este 9 de marzo, el sencillo de Twenty One Pilots ha tenido una gran recepción entre fans y quienes se encuentran por primera vez con esta banda. Mientras que arriba tienes el video oficial, aquí te dejamos la letra de la canción que da ánimo mientras el mundo atraviesa la pandemia.


Panic on the brain, world has gone insane,
Things are starting to get heavy.
I can’t help but think I haven’t felt this way,
Since I asked you to go steady.

Would you be, my little quarantine?
Or is this the way it ends?

'Cause I told you, my level of concern,
But you walked by like you never heard,
And you could bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

Panic on the brain, Michael’s gone insane,
Julie starts to make me nervous,
I don't really care what they would say
I'm asking you to stay
in my bunker underneath the surface.

Would you be, my little quarantine?
Or is this the way it ends?

'Cause I told you, my level of concern,
But you walked by like you never heard,
And you could bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

Tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
Tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
Bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

'Cause I told you, my level of concern,
But you walked by like you never heard,
You could bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

I need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
Need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
I Need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
Need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

Need you now.
I need you now...

'Cause I told you, my level of concern,
But you walked by like you never heard,
You could bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.

Tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
Tell me we’re alright, tell me we’re okay.
You could bring down my, level of concern,
Just need you to tell me we’re alright, tell me.

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